VSCode is an excellent code editor build with Electron. And this will show you my different themes and plugins that I use.
I only really use 2 themes and 1 file icon theme at the moment.
Github Theme
I mainly use ‘Github Theme for VS Code’, which is on the VSCode Extension Marketplace.
Atom One Dark Theme
It, as above, is available on the VSCode Extension Marketplace.
Material Icon Theme
I use this icons and is available on the VSCode Extension Marketplace.
I have excluded the ones that do syntax highlighting in intellisense, because they are easy to install by just looking up the language in the extension marketplace.
Auto Close Tag
Auto Rename Tag
Better Comment
Code Runner
CSS Peek
Discord Presense
Error Lens
Git Graph
Git History
Git Project Manager
Hex Editor
Live Server
Live Share
Project Manager
REST Client
Test Explorer UI
That was a few, anyway enjoy the rest of your day!